'Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?' Araluen Arts Centre NT, 2013

Sleeping out under the night sky ... Cosmological and geological times ... sand, iron and glass - materials that were present soon after the origins of matter ... the primordial branching fractal ... stromatolites ... multiple realities coexisting ... a sound atmosphere that stretches space/time.

Red Centre sand and shattered safety glass
Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?"
'Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?'
Desert sand, shattered glass, projections, TV monitors, video cameras
Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?"
'Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?'
Desert sand, shattered glass, projections, TV monitors, video cameras
Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?"
'Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?'
Desert sand, shattered glass, projections, TV monitors, video cameras
Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?"
'Where are you? What time is it? How do you know?'
Breaking glass video
Shattered safety glass